
Practical Living/Vocational Studies

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.


John and Lois have been bicycling for one hour. John has completed one mile
on a level road while Lois has completed two miles on a road with uphill inclines.
These two workouts differ in which physical fitness principle?

Primary Academic Expectation: 2.31 "Students demonstrate the knowledge and skills they need to remain physically healthy and to accept responsibility for their own physical well-being."
Primary Core Content Code: 1.5.003 "Applying the principles of fitness training and conditioning (frequency, intensity, time/duration) impacts physical development."


Which is the best strategy for an offensive player to use while waiting for a pass
in a field or court sport?

Primary Academic Expectation: 2.35 "Students demonstrate knowledge and skills that promote physical activity and involvement in physical activity throughout lives."
Primary Core Content Code: 2.3.001 "There are offensive and defensive strategies as well as basic rules of play for a variety of games and sports."
run to an open space where there is no defender
remain in a stationary position and wait for the ball
move toward the teammate who has the ball
block the defender who is guarding the ball


Hallie is on the way home from work when she remembers she needs to stop
and purchase a birthday gift for tonights party. In this situation, which type of
purchase will Hallie most likely make?

Primary Academic Expectation: 2.30 "Students evaluate consumer products and services and make effective consumer decisions."
Primary Core Content Code: 3.1.001 "The use of strategies (e.g., studying advertisements, reading the fine print) and techniques for evaluating various forms of consumer information (e.g., products, contracts, leases, warranties) contribute to wise purchases."


The lifelong earning potential of an individual is generally related to his or her

Primary Academic Expectation: 2.37 "Students demonstrate skills and work habits that lead to success in future schooling and work."
Primary Core Content Code: 4.4.001 "Life-long earning potential, job options, and job satisfaction are generally related to the amount and kind of educational training of the worker."
professional contacts.
volunteer experiences.
supervisor's recommendation.
educational training.



Risk Behaviors
A risk behavior is an action that can negatively affect the health and safety of
oneself or others.
Identify three risk behaviors and explain in detail the potential impact of each
on quality of life.

Primary Academic Expectation: 2.32 "Students demonstrate strategies for becoming and remaining mentally and emotionally healthy."
Primary Core Content Code: 1.7.002 "There are potential short- and long-term consequences and risks of behavioral choices (e.g., tobacco, alcohol, and other drug use; sexual involvement; violent/aggressive behaviors) on individuals and families."

Scoring Guide
Student identifies three risk behaviors and clearly explains the potential impact of each on quality of life.
Student identifies three risk behaviors and generally explains the potential impact of each on quality of life.
Student identifies three risk behaviors and clearly explains the potential impact of two on quality of life.
Student identifies three risk behaviors and generally explains the potential impact of at least one on quality of life.
Student identifies two risk behaviors and clearly explains the impact of at least one on quality of life.
Student clearly explains the potential impact of risk behaviors without identifying specific risk behaviors.
Student demonstrates minimal understanding (e.g., student identifies one to three risk behaviors with limited or no explanation).
Student's response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
No student response.

Clear explanation goes beyond a single potential impact and relates to
quality of life.

General explanation relates impact in an apparent way to the risk behavior
(e.g., drinking and driving may result in killing yourself and possibly others; if
you smoke you could get cancer; if you take drugs you could have a
dangerous reaction/overdose or you could lose control).

Limited explanation does not link impact in an obvious way to the behavior
(e.g., if you drink you could kill someone; if you smoke pot, you could harm
someone; if you take drugs you're wrecking your life).


Correcting Poor Batting Techniques
Your little sister is playing softball in a summer league, but she is becoming
discouraged because she is having trouble hitting the ball.
a. List three elements you will look for in her batting technique that could be
the cause of her problem.
b. Explain in specific terms how improving each would help her hit the ball.

Primary Academic Expectation: 2.34 "Students perform physical movement skills effectively in a variety of settings."
Primary Core Content Code: 2.1.002 "Analysis of specialized movement patterns (e.g., swinging golf clubs, shooting basketballs) and sequence evaluation (e.g., positioning, performing, following through) can be used to make recommendations for improvement in skills and used in individual, dual, and
team sports (e.g., golf, racket sports, softball, volleyball, basketball)."

Scoring Guide
Student lists three elements to look for in the little sisters batting technique that could be the cause of her problem and clearly explains how improving each would help her hit the ball.
Student lists three elements to look for in the little sister's batting technique that could be the cause of her problem and generally explains how improving each would help her hit the ball.
Student lists two or three elements to look for in the little sister's batting technique that could be the cause of her problem and clearly explains how improving two would help her hit the ball.
Student lists three elements to look for in the little sister's batting technique that could be the cause of her problem with limited or no explanation.
Student lists two or three elements to look for in the little sister's batting technique that could be the cause of her problem and generally explains how improving two would help or clearly explains how improving one would help her hit the ball.
Student demonstrates minimal understanding (e.g., student lists one element to look for in the little sisters batting technique that could be the cause of her problem and may or may not explain how improving it would help her hit the ball).
Students response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
No student response.


The Johnsons just moved to a new community. They need economical child care
for their youngest children. Since they know few people in their new community,
they will need to rely on media and technology to give them information about
the child care available.
a. List three media and/or technology sources the Johnsons could use to obtain
reliable information about economical child care.
b. Choose one of the three information sources you listed in part a and explain
three specific ways that the source could help the Johnsons make a decision
about economical child care for their children.

Primary Academic Expectation: 2.30 "Students evaluate consumer products and services and make effective consumer decisions."
Primary Core Content Code: 3.1.003 "Media and technology provide information on available family and health care options."

Scoring Guide
Student lists three media and/or technology sources of reliable information about economical child care. Student chooses one of the three information sources and clearly explains three specific ways that source could help the Johnsons make a decision about economical child care.
Student lists three media and/or technology sources of reliable information about economical child care. Student chooses one of the three information sources and generally explains two or three ways that source could help the Johnsons make a decision about economical child care.
Student lists three media and/or technology sources of reliable information about economical child care. Student chooses one of the three information sources and generally explains one way that source could help the Johnsons make a decision about economical child care.
Student lists two media and/or technology sources of reliable information about economical child care. Student chooses one of the two information sources and generally explains two ways that source could help the Johnsons make a decision about economical child care.
Student demonstrates minimal understanding (e.g., student lists one to three media and/or technology sources of reliable information about economical child care with no explanation).
Students response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
No student response.


Carols Promotion
Phillip and Carol are heads of a dual-income family. They have three children who
are 9, 12, and 16 years old. Carol has been offered a promotion if the family is
willing to relocate.
a. Describe four factors the family must consider in reaching a decision.
b. Explain why each of the factors you described in part a is important.

Primary Academic Expectation: 2.36 "Students use strategies for choosing and preparing for a career."
Primary Core Content Code: 4.1.002 "Work has social and economic impacts on the individual, family, and society."

Scoring Guide
Student describes four factors the family must consider in reaching a decision and clearly explains why each is important.
Student describes four factors the family must consider in reaching a decision and generally explains why three or four are important or clearly explains why two are important.
Student describes three factors the family must consider in reaching a decision and clearly explains why each is important.
Student describes four factors the family must consider in reaching a decision with limited or no explanation of why they are important.
Student describes three factors the family must consider in reaching a decision and generally explains why two or three are important.
Student describes two factors the family must consider in reaching a decision and clearly explains why each is important.
Student demonstrates minimal understanding (e.g., student describes two factors the family must consider in reaching a decision with limited or no explanation of why they are important).
Students response is totally incorrect or irrelevant.
No student response.

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