Proficient in Reading: 31.6% | Distinguished in Reading: 19% | Proficient in Math: 25% | Distinguished in Math: 13.6% | Detailed District Wide Results

Non-Traditional Instruction

What is Non-Traditional Instruction?

In response to the large number of snow and emergency days in recent years, Harlan County was granted a Non-Traditional Day waiver. This very detailed plan outlines how instruction will be delivered for ALL students during a day when school is not open due to unforeseen circumstances. The plan gives teachers the opportunity to refine their online presence for content delivery and provides hard copy content for those students that may not have access to technology or network resources. The planned result is less loss in instruction time and increased ability to learn new content when school is back in session.

Digital links for each school’s online NTI options will be posted below as they are made available and hard-copy content will be provided to students for Non-Traditional School Days.
Teachers are providing opportunities for students to access content digitally via links to online NTI options and via hard-copy lessons.
Harlan County will utilize days that are not deemed to be extremely hazardous giving staff the option to come into work if they have the need or desire. NTI days will be called at the discretion of the Superintendent and keep in mind that not every day school is cancelled will be declared an NTI day.
Instructions for accessing links to digital content will be provided throughout the school year and displayed on this page below. Hard-copy packets will be sent home before the first NTI day is called.
A One-Call will be made to all students and staff announcing Non-Traditional School Days.
Teachers are required to be available from the hours of 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM and 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM. Parents or students can call the school and leave a message with the principal.
Students will be required to complete all tasks assigned during a non-instructional day. Extended time will be available for those circumstances whereby the work could not be completed due to extenuating circumstances (i.e., loss of power, lost packet).

Contact your child's teacher or school principal. You can also contact:

Brett Johnson, Director of Pupil Personnel
District Office: 606.573.4330, Ext. 2033

Digital Content & Hard-Copy Packets

The links below are being provided as digital options to access NTI content. Information specific to each will be provided at each school along with hard-copy packets. Please complete all work and have it ready to turn in when school is back in session. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact your instructor who will be available from the hours of 8:00 AM - 11:30 AM and 12:00 PM - 3:00 PM. Contact information for each instructor can be found within the NTI folder provided to the students. Parents or students can also call the school and leave a message with the principal if needed.

We recommend that you hit F5 on your keyboard to refresh each this page. This will ensure that you are viewing the most current content.

IXL District Login

Students in the Harlan County Public School district can access their IXL accounts using the following custom sign-in page:

Grades K-8

Black Mountain Elementary

Cawood Elementary

Cumberland Elementary

Evarts Elementary

Green Hills Elementary

James A. Cawood Elementary

Rosspoint Elementary

Wallins Elementary

Grades 9-12

Google Classroom Links for Harlan County High School Staff

District Staff

Did you find what you need?

If you have additional questions, we will be happy to help!
Contact us

School Contact

  • Black Mountain Elementary
    Bonnie Lefevers, Principal
    Telephone: (606) 837-2214
  • Cawood Elementary
    Melinda Sergent, Principal
    Telephone: (606) 573-2502
  • Cumberland Elementary
    Joshua Doyle, Principal
    Telephone: (606) 589-2511
  • Evarts Elementary
    Needham Saylor, Principal
    Telephone: (606) 837-2386
  • Green Hills Elementary
    Jacob Saylor, Principal
    Telephone: (606) 558-3533
  • Harlan County High School
    Kathy Napier, Principal
    Telephone: (606) 574-2020
  • James A. Cawood Elementary
    John Carter, Principal
    Telephone: (606) 573-1950
  • Rosspoint Elementary
    Bryan Howard, Principal
    Telephone: (606) 573-4600
  • Wallins Elementary
    Stan Nicley, Principal
    Telephone: (606) 664-3444