Kenny Hughes, Principal
1555 HWY 215
Evarts, KY 40828
Telephone: (606) 837-2214
Fax: (606) 837-9930 FRYSC: Melissa Owens, Coord.
(606) 837-2214, Ext. 3006
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Facebook: BME Facebook
Library Portal: BME Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
1555 HWY 215
Evarts, KY 40828
Telephone: (606) 837-2214
Fax: (606) 837-9930 FRYSC: Melissa Owens, Coord.
(606) 837-2214, Ext. 3006
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Facebook: BME Facebook
Library Portal: BME Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
Melinda Sergent, Principal
51 Nola Street
Cawood, Ky 40815
Telephone: (606) 573-2502
FRYSC: Jerry Ford, Coord.
(606) 573-4097
(606) 573-2502, Ext. 2805 SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: CES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
51 Nola Street
Cawood, Ky 40815
Telephone: (606) 573-2502
FRYSC: Jerry Ford, Coord.
(606) 573-4097
(606) 573-2502, Ext. 2805 SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: CES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
Joshua Doyle, Principal
322 Golf Course Road
Cumberland, Ky 40823
Telephone: (606) 589-2511
FRYSC: Jenny Saylor, Coord.
(606) 589-2914
(606) 589-2511, Ext. 3104
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: Cumberland Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
322 Golf Course Road
Cumberland, Ky 40823
Telephone: (606) 589-2511
FRYSC: Jenny Saylor, Coord.
(606) 589-2914
(606) 589-2511, Ext. 3104
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: Cumberland Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
Needham Saylor, Principal
132 Keister Street
Evarts, Ky 40828
Telephone: (606) 837-2386
Fax: (606) 837-8535
FRYSC: Lawrence Powell, Coord.
(606) 837-2539
(606) 837-2386, Ext. 2730
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: EES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
132 Keister Street
Evarts, Ky 40828
Telephone: (606) 837-2386
Fax: (606) 837-8535
FRYSC: Lawrence Powell, Coord.
(606) 837-2539
(606) 837-2386, Ext. 2730
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: EES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
Jacob Saylor, Principal
123 West Hwy. 221
Bledsoe, Ky 40810
Telephone: (606) 558-3533
Fax: (606) 558-3960 FRYSC: Peggy Brackett, Coord.
(606) 573-4099
(606) 558-3533, Ext. 2904
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: GES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
123 West Hwy. 221
Bledsoe, Ky 40810
Telephone: (606) 558-3533
Fax: (606) 558-3960 FRYSC: Peggy Brackett, Coord.
(606) 573-4099
(606) 558-3533, Ext. 2904
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: GES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
Kathy Napier, Principal
4000 US. Hwy 119
Baxter, Ky 40806
Telephone: (606) 574-2020
Fax: (606) 574-0493
FRYSC: Cathy York, Coord.
(606) 573-3006
(606) 574-2020, Ext. 3514
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: HCHS Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP
4000 US. Hwy 119
Baxter, Ky 40806
Telephone: (606) 574-2020
Fax: (606) 574-0493
FRYSC: Cathy York, Coord.
(606) 573-3006
(606) 574-2020, Ext. 3514
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: HCHS Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP
John Carter, Principal
279 Ball Park Rd.
Harlan, Ky 40831
Telephone: (606) 573-1950
Fax: (606)573-2424
FRYSC: Betsy Colinger, Coord.
(606) 574-9224
(606) 573-1950, Ext. 2316
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: JACES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
279 Ball Park Rd.
Harlan, Ky 40831
Telephone: (606) 573-1950
Fax: (606)573-2424
FRYSC: Betsy Colinger, Coord.
(606) 574-9224
(606) 573-1950, Ext. 2316
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: JACES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
Bryan Howard, Principal
132 Hwy. 522
Baxter, Ky 40806
Telephone: 606-573-4600
FRYSC: Peggy Brackett, Coord.
(606) 573-4099
(606) 573-4600, Ext. 2904
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: RES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
132 Hwy. 522
Baxter, Ky 40806
Telephone: 606-573-4600
FRYSC: Peggy Brackett, Coord.
(606) 573-4099
(606) 573-4600, Ext. 2904
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: RES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
Stan Nicely, Principal
993 Hwy 219
Wallins, Ky 40873
Telephone: (606) 664-3444
FRYSC: Susan Noe, Coord.
(606) 664-3444, Ext. 2606
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: WES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary
993 Hwy 219
Wallins, Ky 40873
Telephone: (606) 664-3444
FRYSC: Susan Noe, Coord.
(606) 664-3444, Ext. 2606
SBDM: Council, Meeting Dates, Policies
Library Portal: WES Portal
Renaissance Learning: Acc. Reader
Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP): CSIP, Phase 1, School Safety Report, Needs Assessment, School Assurances, PD Plan, Closing the Achievement Gap, Executive Summary