Proficient in Reading: 31% | Distinguished in Reading: 19% | Proficient in Math: 25% | Distinguished in Math: 18% | Detailed District Wide Results


Stay Informed

E-mail Notifications:
Are you missing out on events taking place in the Harlan County School District? If so, sign up today for the HCPS news service which delivers school and district information to your email in a timely manner.

A variety of informational items are distributed with busy parents and active community members in mind. If you wish to receive this information, send your email and contact information to

As always, we thank you for taking the time to show an interest in our schools and playing an active role in the lives of not only our students, but our faculty and administration as a whole.

The Harlan County School District was awarded and has accepted American Relief Plan Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds (ARP ESSER) from the federal government. These funds are intended to prepare for, respond to and overcome obstacles presented by the global COVID 19 pandemic.

Harlan County High School - Google Classroom

The staff at Harlan County High School have created a Google Classroom for in-person students to utilize. Assignments and information missed due to sickness, etc. will be made available. The link above provides each teacher, their course, classroom link and also their classroom code. Please contact your teacher or the school at 606-574-2020 for more information.


Professional Development Calendar
KHSAA Physical Form


Nicotine Prevention and Cessation
School Calendar
Employee Handbook
Code of Conduct
HCHS Student Handbook
Bus Routes
2024 Fall Harlan County High School Athletics Schedules
2024 Open House Dates
Longworth bringing advanced math to middle schools, continuing to expand higher level mathematics at HCHS.
Hughes named Principal at Black Mountain Elementary
Kristin Lester has been named instructional coordinator for the Harlan County Public Schools.


HCHS Scholarship Memo #1
Harlan County Schools is in the process of reviewing its District Facility Plan. The first step in this process is the establishment of a Local Planning Committee. The local planning committee consists of parents, teachers, administrators, district staff, a board member and local business/community members. All members of the committee are selected within by the appropriate groups except the local business/community members. Those members are selected by the board of education from a list of interested individuals. We are looking for three people to serve on this committee. If you are interested in serving or have questions, please contact Jeff Phillips at 606-573-4330, or 251 Ball Park Road, Harlan, KY 40831.
HCHS Scholarship Memo #2


HCHS Scholarship Memo #3


HCHS Scholarship Memo #4


HCHS Scholarship Memo #5
HCHS Scholarship Memo #6


HCHS Scholarship Memo #7
HCHS Scholarship Memo #8
HCHS Scholarship Memo #9





News to Share?

If you know of something exciting happening within our classrooms, schools or District as a whole let us know! Please send it in an e-mail to so that we can share it with everyone!