Proficient in Reading: 31% | Distinguished in Reading: 19% | Proficient in Math: 25% | Distinguished in Math: 18% | Detailed District Wide Results

Harlan County Virtual Learning Academy

2021-2022 Harlan County Virtual Learning Academy

* HCVLA Online Registration (Closed)

Students enrolled in the Harlan County Virtual Learning Academy (HCVLA) will experience online learning with identified support and contact with Harlan County teachers and opportunities for acceleration and enrichment. Harlan County School District's Virtual Academy, HCVLA, is a distance learning option for those students in grades K-12 who wish to continue their education full-time through innovative learning environments. These students will maintain a connection with their enrolled school campus and will generally be allowed to participate in extracurricular activities.

Harlan County Schools Virtual Academy, HCVLA, is a distance learning option for those students in grades K-12 who wish to continue their education full-time through alternative learning environments. It provides an option for those students who seek an alternative to face-to-face instruction due to the medical vulnerability of the child or another family member who resides in the same household. HCVLA provides access to course content and interaction with certified HCPS teachers. HCVLA provides a learning model that reflects the District’s commitment to providing students with high-quality instructional experiences and to meeting the needs of students and their families during these uncertain times.


It takes a lot of self-motivation for students to direct their own learning in a virtual environment. While you will be using robust online texts and curricula, partnered with instruction from our staff members, we can continue to serve our families during the COVID pandemic.


Students’ success in HCVLA is dependent on both the student and parent’s investment in this innovative learning environment. Parents who elect to have their child participate in the model agree to monitor academic progress and coursework. Parent and student responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Families are expected to provide reliable internet and technology devices to support online learning for student(s).
  • Attend a virtual HCVLA orientation session in August.
  • Monitor student progress and contact the teacher(s) with any concerns.
  • Ensure student keeps pace within his/her courses and completes all assignments daily.
  • Ensure student’s daily participation in classes and adherence to the daily class schedule. Students that do not meet daily progress and completion of assigned performance tasks for the day/week, will be counted absent.
  • Students/ families enrolled in HCVLA shall follow and be held accountable to all attendance expectations, regulations, and laws.
  • Attendance will be monitored twice per day for all students. Student attendance will be monitored at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm daily.
  • Students will participate in scheduled instructional activities and be expected to interact with their teachers and classmates during normal school hours.
  • Attending mandated assessment sessions on-campus throughout the school year. This includes state and district testing sessions (KPREP, ACT, MAP, etc).
  • Attending mandated intervention sessions on-campus throughout the school year as needed based on course progress.
  • In general, students in grades K-8 will have an opportunity to transition between learning models at the end of each grading term (9 weeks). Students enrolled in grades 9-12 may transfer between learning models at the end of each trimester (12 weeks).
  • For a full list of student, parent, and school district commitments, click here.


Learning will occur through a blended model of virtual curriculum and virtual connections with Harlan County teachers. Students will complete age-appropriate, engaging lessons with access to tools that support learning, including text to speech, audio and translation, text and picture dictionaries, and more. Our Harlan County educators can easily monitor student progress and performance with usage statistics, grading and feedback tools, curriculum maps, and communication tools. By offering this curriculum, we will prioritize giving our learners a well-rounded, high-quality education, along with more ownership over their learning, which is one of the first steps in developing a lifelong desire to learn.

Elementary (K-5)
The curriculum in Pathblazer is fun, engaging, and rigorous. It is both Common Core, and additionally state-aligned, and encourages critical thinking and 21st century skills. The overview below will provide some examples of the digital learning objects (DLOs) that you will encounter throughout your exploration of Pathblazer.

Middle / High School (6-12)
Flexible Online Courses and Curriculum that Meet the Needs of Middle and High School Students
Edgenuity® Courseware offers a full suite of core curriculum, elective, and concept and credit recovery courses for middle and high school students. Our online courses and curriculum are built using an instructional model grounded in research and are aligned to state standards, the Common Core, and the NGSS. We combine direct-instruction videos featuring expert, on-screen teachers with rigorous assignments, performance tasks, and assessments to engage students and ensure subject-area mastery.

Virtual Contacts:

District Help Desk: (606) 574-9928
The Help Desk will be able to provide assistance with login information and technical issues only. Please use the contact information below for all other questions regarding our virtual program.

K – 5th Grade:    
Kindergarten & 1st Grade:
Tara Haynes
(606) 837-2386
2nd & 3rd Grade:
Amy Cottrell
(606) 664-3444
4/5 Social Studies/Math:
Connie Engle
(606) 573-1950
4/5 Science:
Terri Jenkins
(606) 589-2511
4/5 Reading/ELA:
Elizabeth Lewis
(606) 573-1950
K – 8th Grade:    
Black Mountain Elementary:
Bonnie LeFevers
Kenny Hughes
(606) 837-2214
Cawood Elementary:
Melinda Sergent
Scott Caldwell
(606) 573-2505
Cumberland Elementary:
Sheila Hall
Whitney Creech
(606) 589-2511
Evarts Elementary:
Sherry Caldwell
Jean James
(606) 837-2386
Green Hills Elementary:
Jonathan Perkins
Lisa Ashley
(606) 558-3533
James A. Cawood Elementary:
John Carter
Stephanie Miles
(606) 573-1950
Rosspoint Elementary:
Bryan Howard
Terri Kelly
(606) 573-4600
Wallins Elementary:
Stan Nicely
Lisa Slusher
(606) 664-3444
9th – 12th Grade:    
Mr. Eddie Creech
(606) 574-2020
Mr. Michael Hensley
(606) 574-2020
Mrs. Terri Jenkins
(606) 589-2511
Mr. Anthony Nolan
(606) 574-2020
District Contact:
Brett Johnson
(606) 573-4330

The Harlan County Public School District is excited to welcome all students back to the traditional in-person model of instruction for the 2021-2022 School Year. All students not enrolled in the HCVLA are scheduled to return to the traditional, in-person model for the 2021-2022 School Year.

Any student/family seeking a virtual learning option for the 2021-22 School Year should have completed a registration form prior to the beginning of school. At the conclusion of each nine (K-8) or twelve(9-12) week grading period, those wishing to enroll into HCVLA must complete a registration form.
We recognize the need that many students rely on school meals during the day, and we will offer meals to students enrolled in the HCVLA. Detailed information for meals service for virtual students will be published when available.
HCVLA students are expected to make a daily commitment to learning. While learning times are flexible, students and families should understand that students should participate in virtual learning 5 days each week.

When the Traditional School Model is not in session, students enrolled in the HCVLA will NOT be expected to complete work online.

2021-2022 School Year Calendar
  • Students will receive services outlined within his or her IEP/ILP/504. The delivering service may not be a teacher at the child’s designated home school.
  • Designated times of services will be arranged and will be dependent upon school level.
  • Students are REQUIRED to attend scheduled service sessions.
  • Special circumstances may warrant portions of services to be delivered in person.
As a leader in online and blended learning, Edgenuity is eager to partner with families to create a program specific to your child's academic goals. For our families that have selected HCVLA, we will work with you to ensure a seamless implementation.

Edgenuity’s suite of products and solutions is accessible on multiple operating systems and devices for anytime, anywhere learning.

A desktop, laptop, or Chromebook will be required and an internet connection will be necessary at home for each student enrolled in HCVLA.
In general, HCVLA students will be eligible to participate in any in-person extracurricular activities. Some exceptions may apply.

For high school students enrolled in HCVLA:

  • Athletic eligibility will be determined based upon the KHSAA eligibility guidelines.
  • All other extracurricular activity eligibility will be determined by the school.